Another List

Maverick’s Worst: Car Colors

Instead of picking the best of something this week, I wanted to call out some of the worst colors that manufacturers are painting their cars these days.  I support painting cars anything other than black, white or silver, but these colors should never have left the brainstorming stage – let alone making it into real production vehicles.


  • Prius Vitamin C: The little Toyota Prius C is essentially the hybrid for those who don’t want to pay up for the original Prius.  Small cars are notorious for getting bold paint jobs to help them stand out from bigger (and probably better) cars around them.  This color looks like it would’ve belonged in 1999 when Britney Spears and NSYNC were spewing pop “music” on us, but it belongs nowhere in 2016.


  • Mini Cute-r: Blue is a hard color to get wrong, but Mini is doing their best to prove me wrong.  It just screams “I’m so cute!”, which is a word that does not belong in the pantheon of automotive adjectives.  You’re essentially trying to cater exclusively to a singular gender demographic when you could appeal to all major genders.  Maybe BMW should give the car back to the Brits who know how to paint it classic colors (or basically anything but this).


  • S%&t-baru Brown: I own a Subaru Outback, but if this had been the only vehicle on the lot I would’ve gone to another dealership.  For some reason, automotive journalists love brown cars (and manuals and wagons), but I just can’t seem to trick myself into liking a color that would constantly remind me of what I flush down the toilet.  There’s wonderful red and blue color options available, why would you choose this?  Maybe if you worked for a septic company…no, just no – bad Subaru.

Carry on and keep driving!

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